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Pre-Purchase Inspections

Dr.Car will help you!

Pre-Purchase Inspections

You want good condition used car? Be Smart! Use a local specialists assist! Dr.Car will help you!

1. We do the comprehensive inspection as follows.

2. We make another detailed report for any abnormal conditions with photo, diagram, Video Clips and the estimated cost of the repair.

3. After the inspections we can find out the current value of the car with the current conditions.

4. We also explain something we can not describe by writing, Photo, Diagram or video Clips. We give overall condition and out opinion for the car.

5. The inspection report will be a powerful tool to negotiate the final price. You get peace of the mind, Save money with the inspection report.

A Guide for finding a good used car.

1. Analyze yourself.

  • What kind of car you need ? Number of seat, luggage Space, size of the car,
  • What kind of car you want ? Colour, Fancy Style, Brand Name
  • Your budget : Used Car Price + Cost of the owner ship transfer and registration
  • Cost of the initial repair required just after purchase.
  • Annual maintenance cost affordable

2. Nominated the targeting Models. Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic, VW Golf, Mercedes E350, BMW530, Jaguar XJ

3. Search the car on the net. Find out the car.

4. Inspect the for yourself with your own knowledge. You don't have to be expert ! Check for anything obviously not suitable to you.

5. Ring Dr.Car to Organise Used car Pre-purchase inspection. The Seller will need to drop the car and leave it to us at least half a day. The buyer is just paying for the inspection fee.

6. After the inspection, the seller pick up the car. The buyer with get the full report (Hard Copy. email, or smart phone). The buyer can do the REVS check if the seller owe any money to any finance company.

7. Negotiate final price. If both party agree with the price the car is yours.

8. Get the receipt of the car ( Back of the current Rego Paper ) Pay the money, Organise Insurance and pick up the car.

9. Go to RMS change ownership

10. Do the service and repairs left over by the seller.

11. Enjoy driving.


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