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Caravan & Trailer Repairs

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Caravan and Trailer Repairs

At Dr. Car we provide a comprehensive service when it comes to maintaining, servicing and repairing your caravan or trailer. We have extensive experience with servicing the brakes and running gear on all makes and models of trailer and replacement parts are either taken from stock or for the more unusual parts, ordered in by express delivery.

Don't Wait till its too late!

Just like your car, every Caravan, Trailer or Horse float needs regular servicing and maintenance. It is quite a distressing sight to see a caravan or trailer by the side of a road with a wheel missing or some other state of disrepair. Serious accidents are often a tragic consequence of a trailer breakdown.

Regular maintenance is important.

Manufacturers recommend that you service your wheel bearings and brakes at least every 10,000km or 12 months. Besides routine maintenance we also specialise in other items such as

Our Trailer and Caravan Service Schedule includes the following checks

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